I LOVE conference weekend. Obviously it is great because we get to sit around in our PJ's all day and snack on whatever we want. But I also love it for the "recharge" I get from listening to all the uplifting and inspiring messages from true prophets and apostles of God. I'll be the first to admit that being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is time consuming, demanding, and a lot of work. There are times that I think to myself, "Is this all worth it?" Then I watch conference and I am again reminded that YES! It is all worth it and I can totally do it! Conference makes me want to be a better wife, mother, friend, sister, daughter, teacher, YW president, neighbor, and everything else. It puts life back into perspective. It focuses me again on the eternal perspective of things. This conference in particular reminded me again that I am here for a purpose and there is work for me to perform. Will it always be easy? No. But the scripture "Where much is given, much is required" always comes to mind. I am so blessed and I know that Heavenly Father will make it possible for me to do all that he wants me to do. So, I loved watching General Conference. I wish it would last longer. (Which is really funny, because as a kid, I thought it lasted forever!)
So here are some things that kept my kids busy over Conference weekend. Friday the weather was so absolutely gorgeous that the kids went out to build a "fort" in our tree.
On Sunday morning, the tree looked like this. Quite a change!
During the Saturday morning session the boys got busy making blanket forts. It got really frustrating when Miles kept tearing it all apart. They also worked on their conference books from Primary.
We have a tradition of letting the boys bring up their big tub of Legos during the Sunday session so they can quietly build while listening.
I'm always amazed at the things these guys build. I don't understand how they can piece everything together and actually make something out of it. These were the cool ships they made during conference.
I am so thankful to have a testimony of the Church. I know that by living and following the things I have been taught, and that I know are true, my life has been blessed. I know that true happiness and joy comes from doing what the Lord has asked us to do. I am so grateful for our living prophet and for all who lead and guide our church. I am thankful that I can raise my boys in the gospel and look forward to them serving as missionaries and becoming amazing husbands and fathers. I know that it really is all worth it!
Thank you for that beautiful testimony, and for your wonderful family. I love you all.
I love conference also!
Amen to all that Mere. You inspire me, as well as Gen. Conference.
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