Saturday, June 25, 2011

Crazy, Crazy month of June

My plan was to document this summer week by week like I did last year. This month though was probably one of the busiest, craziest, most stressful months I have ever had in my entire life. There were just too many things I was responsible for and too much work that had to be done. Luckily, I also think spending time and having fun with my kids is also one of my responsibilities, so those things got done too. On the last day of school, my kids came home to find all sorts of summer time fun surprises waiting for them on the kitchen table. Water guns, a pool, beach toys, popsicles, stuff like that. We all were so excited for summer to begin!
Mason and Mike finished their spring soccer league. Mason was an AWESOME soccer player. He is very aggressive and was able to score a lot of goals. He loved it!

On the first Monday after school was out we were lucky enough to have a warm enough day to fill up our pool for the first time and test it out.

Another afternoon we invited Grandma Miller to Temple Square with us just to walk around and enjoy the beautiful flowers. (and to take lots of pictures)

I am so grateful that Grandma came. I know these are the kinds of experiences my boys will remember having with her forever.

We also took advantage of the John Huntsman free day at "This is the Place State Park." It helped me get into the Pioneer spirit for the trek I would be taking in the next week.

Mike had a birthday in between all our craziness. Both these boxes held new t-shirts for him and out of the four, he only liked one. Next year I'm just going to give him a gift card to save me the hassle!

It was also time for our annual stay up at the Park City condo. Aunt Tracy came with us and we stayed up Monday to Tuesday and went up again on Friday. Most of that time was spend swimming.

This year we also decided to take a spin on the Alpine Slide. Mitchel and Max were old enough to drive their own while Tracy and I took the younger two as passengers. Everyone loved it and thought the chair lift ride up and the slide ride down were "The best thing ever!"

And of course, there was Father's day. Could these boys look any more like their dad?? They are all so handsome and I am so blessed to have all these good boys (and man) in my life!

In between all this fun was lots of work. Mike and I were spending hours on end planning for Trek. I also had a couple videos that I was working on. There was our 14th wedding anniversary, Cub Scout camp, Matt and Holly's wedding, dentist appointments, YW activities, lawn mowing, house cleaning, tons of laundry, shopping, and very little sleep.

The next few weeks don't look very relaxing either. I have to give 2 talks in Sacrament meeting in the next four weeks, Girls Camp the third week of July, making the Trek video to show at a fireside, editing two wedding videos, running a 10K, and all the normal "stuff" too. The boys are dying to go to some swimming pools and our house looks like a disaster. But I guess that is what this stage of my life is all about, go, go go! Summer is happening and going really fast already.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Could you possibly squeeze ONE MORE THING into your month of June?? I don't think so! But here it is, JULY, and you made it through all of it! Congratulations on making TREK so memorable for your "pioneer family" and for coming away with added strength and faith for yourself. Great work!