While the kids had a sleepover with Grandma and Grandpa Miller....
We went to celebrate at the Mather's house along with the Veenendaals. Mike served in the bishopric with both of these men and we have all been friends ever since.
We ate fondue...dipped meat in cooking oil, bread and vegis in cheese, and everything else in chocolate! We also had a cheese and cracker tray and rice krispi treats. I ate way to much but promised myself that after that night, I would be better.
We then played a rousing game of foose ball. Mike and I barely pulled out a win by only one point! (I scored the game winner!)
It was so good to see you! You make any gathering so much fun! I wish we could have stayed longer but I'm glad we got to be there while we could!!
I ate so crappy too over Christmas and New Years. We will see if I can get back on track! Cute picture of all the kiddos with the grandparents.
Grandpa and I enjoyed our New Year's Eve celebration with the Harker boys!
We ate popcorn, and toasted in the new year with Diet Dr. Pepper- at 10:30 p.m.!(Chocolate milk just didn't seem like the appropriate drink!)What fun!
Happy New Year Harkers! Looks like you all had a great evening. Good luck to you all in 2010 for much success and happiness.
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