Who's the boss?
This picture represents my total loss of control lately. I think the boys have realized that they out number me, and so it's getting easier for them to ignore any direction I give. On this particular night, they started by jumping on the couches. My plea to stop jumping on them was blatantly ignored. Then they took all the cushions off. They took no heed to my request to put them back on. Then it turned into a building towers and jumping off game which included knocking over some picture frames and landing on each other and basically causing a ruckus. I was about to go crazy and yell at them all to clean it up and get on pajamas "NOW!" when it struck me at how much fun they were having. So instead I grabbed the camera and took a picture. These are the moments that one day, I know I will miss. Even though they are loud, messy, and destroy all sense of order I have, the boys are getting along and doing something together. I love that they have brothers to play with and I hope they will remain friends for life. So I'm residing myself to the fact that I will probably not have control most of the time, but I am going to do my best to make the most of it.
Other news is that Miles has learned to roll from his back to his tummy. He doesn't like it very much once he gets in that position and doesn't really enjoy "tummy time."
HA! If that isn't a BOY picture, I don't know what would be! Way to have such a positive attitude, Mere.
That will get you through a LOT of BOY moments! Miles will soon be in the mix, you know. Better gear up!
Love you.
I need to be more like this, but it seems like there's only about 3% of the time I can lovingly handle craziness...still learning I guess!
We still love doing this activity-at 40. Ruckus can be a good thing right Mere? Used sporadically of course..
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