Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Mason is AWESOME!

I have said that I would rather have 8 newborn babies at one time than potty train one more kid, and seriously, I mean it. I've been working with Mason now for months getting him used to the potty and all that and he's understood for a while now how it all works. I told him that when Miles comes, that he would have to give all his diapers to him and he totally got that. I knew that I could not have two children in diapers at the same time or I would go insane. So this Memorial Weekend, since we were pretty much home the whole time, I thought, "Why not just go for it." So Thursday was day one of no more diapers and just underwear. 4 accidents. Friday was 2 accidents, and Saturday and Sunday were 0 accidents. We had a little relapse on Monday with 2 poopy accidents, but today we are back down to 0 accidents. Holy Cow you don't know how excited I am!!!! He even has stayed dry every night and I've taken him to many places and all has been well. If any of you are interested in the strategy I used, email me and I'll let you know. But I could not be happier to have this tackled before Mile's arrival. YEAH!!!


christa said...

INTERESTED!!!!!!!! Sounds like a miracle to me!!
(And I'm totally with you on the having a million more kids if I didn't have to potty train.... it stinks!!!)
I'm getting my hopes up so don't leave me hanging too long LOL!!

Wendy said...

That IS amazing! The first day that we put Roman in underwear he had 10 yes TEN accidents, I was really beginning to wonder what in the heck I was doing. The second day we were more like your first and it improved from there but wow, 3 days I wish! Oh and we STILL Have accidents! Go Mason!

DottieLou said...

good for you

Emily said...

Way to go! You and Mason both. It's amazing how the times we just go for it, they totally respond and then we're all thinking, why didn't we do this ages ago! Just think of all the money in diapers you'll be saving...hmmm, what could you use it for instead?! Something fun for you I hope!

Nate and Kristin said...

WAHOO!!!! Meredith, I'm so happy for you! That has to be a huge relief and you have plenty of time to spare!!! Way to go~

Kelly L said...

Um, YES!!! I would love to know your strategy as McKenna and I have been struggling with potty training since DECEMBER!!! Ridiculous! Anyway, here's my email, I don't know if you have it: kellydlewis22@yahoo.com. And, those pictures that you asked about were taken at Target. I've always gone there and been happy every time (especially because they are super cheap with the online coupons!).

Kelly L said...

Um, YES!!! I would love to know your strategy as McKenna and I have been struggling with potty training since DECEMBER!!! Ridiculous! Anyway, here's my email, I don't know if you have it: kellydlewis22@yahoo.com. And, those pictures that you asked about were taken at Target. I've always gone there and been happy every time (especially because they are super cheap with the online coupons!).