Sunday, July 5, 2009

Why I love to blog

Okay, so honestly, a year ago, I thought blogging was the stupidest most self-centered thing in the world. Really, no one cares about anyone else's life and all the mundane things they are doing and what is happening with their children etc. except for the person writing the blog. So why, I thought, would anyone want to post all of that for the rest of the world to read, when the rest of the world could care less about your little life. I even made fun of people who were "bloggers."
Then, with encouragement and help from my friend Sherry, I finally gave in and started my own blog. I haven't kept a real journal since I was in High School and even though I am a scrapbooker, I only "journaled" occasionally in it and when I did it was months after the event and by then I had forgotten most of the details and emotions involved. Blogging has changed all that for me. I now look forward to coming home from an event and immediately typing what happened and how I felt and posting pictures. I find myself writing about things that I never would have written otherwise and that would have been forgotten. I've discovered that a blog is not about whether people read it or not, it is about me keeping a record of the events that happen in my family's lives and how I feel about those things. I find that I go back often and read my older posts and reminiscing about past events. What a wonderful thing! It is so much easier than a real "journal" and plus, there are pictures to go along with it. I have to admit that I am hooked! My plan is to take all my blog posts and make them into a book or scrapbook. It is also nice to know that the posts can never get lost since they are on the Internet.
I am really grateful that Sherry convinced me to start a blog. I love getting comments from others, but really, even if no one ever reads my blog, I will, and that's the most important part.


Emily said...

I heartily agree! And love reading about your family along with you! I just wish I'd started sooner...
And just FYI there's a site called that helps you turn your blog into a book, it's kind of time-consuming, but so fin to have the hard copy on the shelf for your kids to look through AND if you happen to find a better site offering the same kind of service I'd love to know about it too!

DottieLou said...

I also agree...

Wendy said...

This is why I now print out my blog yearly so I have a hard copy. I use the same site that Emily suggested and it "Slurps" your blog then you just edit and print. Love it! I am sure Roman will be completely mortified when he is older to read some of the things that I have written but it is so much fun to go back and read them and remember all the fun things we have done. I am a total blog GEEK, I blog 3 times a day some days. . .but I love remembering everything, I still worry that this is my one shot at parenthood and I don't want to forget a single thing!

Christa said...

well said! And just for the record, I LOVE reading your blog. You have such an awesome attitude about everything. Very uplifting for me. So thanks to Sherry for talking you into doing it.... I'm grateful :)
Have you looked into Blurb (I think it's also called Smart Books) but they will "slurp" your whole blog and make it into a book for you... you can edit it and add more to it during the editing process, but that is what I do with my blog. it's our family journal now. If you want the link, the software is free, just let me know! And thanks again!

Christa said...

oh HA HA.... sorry, I couldn't see Wendy's comment :) I'm all about redundancy... :)

Kari said...

Mmm-hmmm!!! That's what you get for judging us 'self-centered' bloggers, now you are totally hooked! LOL...

Steve & Brenda said...

We are happy you have a blog too-it is so fun to read your "journal" entries and enjoy the terrific photographs.